Jinxiang Xue—born on June 12, 1950— was the first son out of four sisters to his father Maoshun Xue (deceased) and mother Ximei Chen. In his first marriage with Lifang Ye( deceased) he gained three sons. He later gained a stepdaughter in his second marriage that he treated as his own. Jinxiang Xue came to the United States to join his family in Huntsville, Alabama. He was a humble, loving man that loved gardening. He was always so proud of his garden and loved sharing his harvest with friends, neighbors and families. Spending time with his family also made him proud and gave him joy. He passed away on Wednesday November 22nd at 8 pm surrounded by his children. He was 67 years old. He is survived by: Sons: Dezheng Xue, Deqi Xue, Deliang Xue Daughter: Xiulan Xue Daughters-in-law: JinZhu Dong, JinFang Weng Son-in-law: Jianxi Pan Grand children: Zoe Xue, Nikki Xue, Eva Xue, Lucy Xue, Jay Xue, Jolyn Xue, Lyon Xue, Ethan Pan and Jeremy Pan. 薛金香,生于一九五零农历六月十二于中国福建省福州市琅岐海屿村。父亲薛茂顺(已故),母亲陈细妹。有四位姐妹。原配夫人叶丽芳(已故)育有三个儿子。续第二任妻子因性格不合离异,携有一个女儿,从小养育成人,视为己出。于二零零八年移居美国,和久別的儿女一起居住在亨城。 他的一生检扑,热爱生活。农民出生,非常善长于种植蔬菜水果。对于种植,他经常津津乐道,引以为豪。他也经常把他的收获乐于分享给亲戚朋友。他享受与自己的家人在一起的天伦之乐! 薛金香病终于二零一七年公历十一月二十二日晚上八点,享年六十七岁(公历)。 子:薛德钲 薛德奇 薛德良 女:薛秀兰 儿媳:翁锦芳 董金珠 女婿:潘建㬢 孙儿/孙女:薛祖儿 薛妮琪 薛伊娃 薛冰 薛杰 薛靖玟 薛泓亮 外甥:潘俊翔 潘俊烨